3 things I like about spring

— Flowers. Flowers flowers flowers. My husband doesn’t buy me cut flowers from the store very often. Instead, he gets flowers to have in pots and planter boxes on our back deck, and plants bulbs in our front yard like these. Our front flower beds usually get to Jungle status around the end of May.Continue reading “3 things I like about spring”

6 things I did like about the quarantine

1 telework. It’s nice to have my husband in the house four days a week, even when we’re both working online and not even interacting directly. 2 masks. I know I said I didn’t like them, but I also do like them – no one got sick during the winter. Sinus infections, strep, and bronchitisContinue reading “6 things I did like about the quarantine”

9 things I did not like about the covid-19 quarantine

1 the disease. I didn’t like that we had to do a quarantine at all. But we needed to until scientists and doctors could figure out what this thing was and how to fight it. 2 the unhealthy amount of screen time my kids got sucked into, just to do their school work. 3 beingContinue reading “9 things I did not like about the covid-19 quarantine”

LDSWP: year-long pandemic

It’s the anniversary this week of the World Health Organization declaring the COVID-19 global pandemic, so I went there … and published an interview with a nurse on the LDS Women Project. She lives in Washington, so the virus got to her first. And she got sick from it pretty early also, but fortunately recoveredContinue reading “LDSWP: year-long pandemic”

31 women of history I admire

It’s Women’s History Month, and I am posting CURRENT women’s accounts in my Instagram feed every day this month. Why? Because statistics show that history is written by men, about men. Approximately ONE PERCENT of recorded history in the world is about women, and I’m really not okay with that. There’s only so much thatContinue reading “31 women of history I admire”

reading list: changed perspective

Reading is supposed to change your thinking, right? I recently finished “The Hate U Give” and part of the story is that some Black teens are involved in gangs that commit crimes because they have literally no other resources for support – emotional, financial, or otherwise. I learned yesterday that last weekend, there was aContinue reading “reading list: changed perspective”

MWP: Black lives matter to Christ

My interview with Melodie Jackson for the Mormon Women Project was posted over the weekend. She’s a PhD student at the University of Maryland who did a lot of organizing around social justice issues during her undergrad years at Brigham Young University. In the aftermath of the murders of Black people by police officers inContinue reading “MWP: Black lives matter to Christ”