putting down the armor of God

I read a post on the Exponent II blog the other day, Putting Down the Armor of God. The writer no longer attends LDS temples and wrote about not wearing temple underclothing anymore. Before I even read the post, the title caught my attention. I knew it was about the temple, but that’s not howContinue reading “putting down the armor of God”

7 random things I’ve done

I have a lot of new followers on the Instagram account, so I wrote an introduction post with 7 random things I’ve done: 1 – Adam and I were balloon wranglers in the National Independence Day parade in Washington DC. We were on a team of five that steered an Uncle Sam hat down ConstitutionContinue reading “7 random things I’ve done”

Write Your Story

Women have left fewer accessible records, and they don’t fit into the frameworks that male historians have established for understanding history. – Dr. Julie Roy Jeffrey, Goucher College To respond to the dirth of women in the historical record, let’s write our own stories. Don’t leave future generations wondering what WE did, and said, andContinue reading “Write Your Story”